Sylvia Neusch and husband Richard.
Recently, I have been hearing the word “REBOUND.” As I often do, I looked up the word to see if God might speak to me further through the definition. The definition of rebound in the Cambridge English Dictionary is “to bounce back after hitting a hard surface; to return to an earlier and better condition.”
Around the same time, I also started seeing a picture in my mind of a rubber band in someone’s hand, tightly stretched back. I felt like this was a picture of where we find ourselves right now, not only in our nation, but in many other places around the world. We have been tightly “pulled back” so to speak. Many have felt isolated and afraid, with plans, jobs and life canceled or put on hold. We have been stretched beyond what has felt comfortable.

We find that when a rubber band is tightly stretched back and then released, an object placed in the rubber band will launch forward exponentially further than to the degree the rubber band was pulled back. This is where I sense we are and what we are heading into in the near future.
I believe a supernatural REBOUND is coming, and with our God leading the way, we will rebound from sickness and we will rebound from economic devastation.
New Wine flowing from Heaven to Earth
Those who have sought the Lord and opted to receive the NEW WINESKINS will experience a greater ease in this season to REBOUND. Their wineskin is supple and pliable and ready to be stretched and filled. The vats of Heaven are full of NEW WINE and it will be poured out. Yes, the new wine from Heaven will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills as spoken of in Amos 9:13. (Photo via Unsplash)
There will be healing in the new wine and many will stream in from far and near to drink. The hurting, the broken, the desperate and the hungry will come. God will remove their pain, sickness, trauma, fear and disappointment as the Church releases the GLORY given to her. Laughter will be heard again, and joy and freedom of the Spirit will break the chains of many.
“Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isa. 60:3)
ARISE and SHINE, Church! Your GLORY DAYS are upon you and you will see the Lord rise upon you to become a source of healing and life to the nations.
It’s time to rebound into health. It’s time to rebound into prosperity. It’s time to rebound into harvest and fruitfulness!
“Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the hip. Then you will look and be radiant your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.” (Isa. 60:3-5)
• Source:
• Sylvia Neusch is a wife, mother, pastor, author, prophetic voice and prophetic blogger. Sylvia operates with an anointing to sense the times and seasons and encourages the Body of Christ in stewarding the current and coming move of God. Through her writing and teaching, Sylvia has a passion to encourage and equip people to discover their true identities and to mature in Christ to walk in their God-given destinies. Sylvia and her husband Richard are the senior leaders of True Life, a non-denominational church in Round Rock, Texas. They are also the founders and co-directors of the Austin School of Supernatural Ministry as well as regional facilitators in Central Texas for Sozo Ministry.
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