(Warsaw, Poland)—[CBN News]President Donald Trump delivered a powerful speech in Poland Thursday, July 6th, 2017, praising Poles for their courage throughout history’s “dark days.”
“Your nation is great because your spirit is great and your spirit is strong,” Trump said. “The story of Poland is the story of a people who have never lost hope, who have never been broken, and who have never forgotten who they are.”
He said Poland is the “soul of Europe” as he addressed thousands in Warsaw, delivering a major speech at the Warsaw Uprising memorial in Krasinskich Square.
That memorial is the site of a monument commemorating the 1944 Warsaw Uprising against the Nazis.
“For two centuries, Poland suffered constant and brutal attacks but while Poland could be invaded and occupied and its borders even erased from the map, it could never be erased from history or from your hearts. In those dark days, you have lost your land but you never lost your pride,” Trump said.
Trump went on to praise the Poles who rose up against communism and declared: “We want God!”
The president also directly confronted modern threats to Poland and the West, urging the leaders of Russia to stop their aggressive actions. And he spoke about the ongoing battle against radical Islamic terrorists and other enemies who threaten freedom.
“We must stand united against these shared enemies to strip them of their territory, their funding, their networks, and any form of ideological support. While we will always welcome new citizens who share our values and love our people, our borders will always be closed to terrorism and extremism.”
“We must work together to counter forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are,” he said.
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